Wednesday, November 20, 2013

High Noon - Further Tests and Animations

Here we have a revised version of the title sequence (still needs a little work) along with the introductory scene of our short. Messing with paralaxing landscape. More to come later this week.


  1. Wow the title sequence looks awesome. it might be a little to intense and dramatic compared to the graphics of the cartoon. I would not change the intro at all though it is very captivating. I am sure once Aaron does is drop shadows on the animation it will be more intense and flow better with the intro graphic. Great start guys.

  2. DUDE O.O the title is sick! but I feel its a little detached from the look in the animation portrayed.

  3. For what you have now, all I can suggest is change the rotation up a bit in the tumbleweed, so that it isn't a constant smooth roll.

  4. Title looks great. The tumbleweed looks a little large and ditto what Jay said.

  5. Your title screen looks very professional, your environment test looks good but it pales in comparison (for now at least). I'll just give you the same advice I wrote on Matt's blog: do some pointed research and see what makes tonally similar works successful. In my mind Im drawing comparisons to the dollars trilogy which had a dusty, reserved color palette.

  6. I like the title screen but I think the cloud/text transition maybe taking too long. I'm not really sure what it is about that. And what if you tried a woodgrain background to match the saloon? Cartoon looks great

  7. Title sequence looks legit. Great typeface and colors. The subtle zoom and fade also helps. I like the colors better in the new video you posted also. Looking forward to seeing more.
