Sunday, October 13, 2013

Animated Storyboard, Animation Test, and Titles



  1. This looks really cool! I like the idea and your animation test looks very smooth. I like how you've done your storyboard, and I can't wait to see the final product.

  2. I mean, it's okay, i guess..... just kidding this looks awesome. Are you planning on your robots having legs or going all Rosie from the Jetsons on us?

  3. Aaron
    Changing your Idea was a smart move, this looks like it will be very entertaining to watch. I think you will also have more fun going this route, instead of the T-shirt design, and that playfulness will flow thru your video. I think you have a strong beginning, middle and end in your PSA timeline.

  4. the title sequence is interesting, its reminiscent of a typewriter, which gives the impression that a robot is narrating the contents of the psa as a lesson from personal experience

  5. Nice, I really like the direction of your idea and your illustrations, should be fun for you to animate as well as for us to watch.

  6. Haha I immediately thought of Rosie from the Jetsons too! Looks cool and I would be interested in if you do make all of them similar to Rosie or the "bully" robot with legs or more upgraded look.

  7. Really nice! i think this PSA was a good choice for you to show off your animation talents, which are looking great so far. But I'm unsure what the real PSA is here. Is it bullying?

  8. Great illustrations man! I love the direction you are going in!

  9. This is going to be awesome. I can't wait to see your final character animations, you've already made so much progress. The animation test looks similar to Ryan Boyle's tutorial on character animation with expressions so I'm wondering if that's what you used?

  10. Hi Aaron

    Not sure what your message is here? Bullying i am guessing? You are using robots...why? to make it fun? less gender or rather race specific? Also I can not see the resolution to the conflict. A big guy (robot) beats up a smaller robot, but then...what? can not tell from the storyboards. The ending is that he meets a girl robot? Does that solve the problem of Bullying?

    The hollywood cliche is the bully's girlfriend, who the guy wants, ends up with the guy. Is this the message? Girl gets boy?

    Looking at what you have, is there a way to make the ending more compelling-- a reason we are looking at robots. It would be worth it to play some "what if"s with the ending--so mission ciritical. What if he re-built himself into a bully type-- would the girl like him more then? Is it also about technology? I just can not tell from the storyboard (especially without captions) what is going on there...As i said in class, you can hang any concept on the lure of technique, looks like a fun piece to animate. might be interesting to have small compositions of engine gears, pullys and fanbelts, in 3d, placed here and there on the characters. Everything you do is an excuse to showcase an ability, technique being one but cconcept being another. I wonder (what if) the other robots made him into an assembly line buff robot that could grow bigger than the bully. or other robots could gather round him and support him by strength in numbers? ending seems a tad cliche and expected right now as i read it, but i may be missing something. good luck, nice process--need captions on storyboards or they are not storyboards.
